Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mmmm Beer

Posted on Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 11:24 AM

Each Wednesday on Bloglander, we give you a taste of happy hours going on at bars around town that night. (Read previous posts.)

Aces Casino, in north Spokane, serves up happy hour from 3-7 pm. Specials include: $2 Coors Light drafts and $.50 off all wells and draft drinks.

The Angry Bear, in Moscow Idaho, welcomes in happy hour from 2-5 pm. Specials include: $1 off wine glasses and pints, $2 off mugs of beer and $3 off pitchers of beer.

Azteca, in downtown Spokane, celebrates happy hour from 3-7 pm. Specials include: $4.95 margaritas.

C.I. Shenanigan's, in downtown Spokane, serves up happy hour from 3-6 pm and 9 pm to close. Specials include: $5 margaritas and mojitos, $3 wells drinks, $4 glasses of select wine and half price appetizers.

The Globe, in downtown Spokane, welcomes in happy hour from 4-7 pm. Specials include: $3 wells and domestic drinks, $2 Pabst Blue Ribbon and Miller High Life and half priced appetizers.

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