Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Today is a special day for a few lucky folks.
First off, the Spokane County Elections Office is mailing more than 260,000 ballots to the county's registered voters today and tomorrow. That means that approximately 130,000 pieces of "junk mail" — er, ballots — will end up in the garbage by Saturday. Another 130,000 ballots will be returned, however, helping to decide the next leaders of Spokane and every other jurisdiction in this corner of the state. Vote once, vote well and vote again real soon. (And check out our coverage and endorsements here to help make your choices.)
Also, U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., announced today that 84,000 people in Spokane County will see an increase in their monthly Social Security checks come the first of the year. Statewide, some 1.1 million old folks will see their annual checks rise by more than $500. Sure, that's only like 40 bucks a week, and, yeah, Social Security benefits are the hot button issue in the Republican presidential debates right now. But who's paying attention?
Tags: election 2011 , News