Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Posted on Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 11:22 AM

Around Town

Rock burst reroute — The owner of an Idaho mine where a rock burst injured miners last week has decided to go around the affected area. (SR)

Daycare disaster — The state has shut down the Little Lambs Learning Center, after saying the day center's director is under investigation for theft "doesn't have the character, sustainability or confidence" to run the business. (KXLY)

A picture of a kitten — A Bonner's Ferry man who is also a bit of prolific author on veterinary topics visits the Kootenai County Humane Society. This article also features a picture of a kitten. (CDA Press)

Out There

Harpham heads to jail — Hey look, Spokane made the New York Times. (NY Times)

Tax battle, round 3,687 — The snit between Democrats and Republicans over taxes continues. (LA Times)

North Korea negatives — The Hermit Kingdom, in pictures. (Foreign Policy)

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