Monday, February 6, 2012

MORNING BRIEFING: Eli, cops, baboons, laughing gas and a forklift

Posted on Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:00 AM


Manning2Manningham — Let's get this one out of the way: The Giants won the Super Bowl last night. Eli Manning is a stud. His older brother, Peyton, was MIA. Patriot Tom Brady's wife, supermodel Gisele, is a sore loser. And, finally, did you see that catch?! (

Eastwood luvs Obama — The most talked about commercial of the game featured Clint Eastwood talking about "Halftime in America." Some are interpreting the pro-Motor City spot as a call to re-elect Obama. Others either had the TV on mute or were watching Animal Planet's "Puppy Bowl." (Slog)

Over Here

Policing the cops — The Spokane City Council will vote tonight on a resolution to increase the oversight of the city's police department. It is expected that the resolution will pass unanimously, but the move is just one of many in the near term to reform the troubled police force. (KREM)  

Saving Everything — Councilmembers will also take up a resolution to save the Jensen-Byrd building in Spokane's University District. The historic warehouse was intended to be razed and replaced with modern student housing, but with elected leadership getting involved, that's been called into question. (SR) 

Vote! — Today's the last day to register to vote for this month's school levy. So if you care about kids and money, go to the elections office and figure it out. (KXLY) 

Over There 

A Freak Show! — That's Matt Taibbi's read on the GOP's attempt to pick a presidential candidate in the recent issue of Rolling Stone.  He says watching the contest is "like watching a cruel experiment involving baboons, laughing gas and a forklift. No matter how many times you ring the bell, those poor animals are never going to figure out how to move that pallet of bananas — yet they keep trying, taking the sorry show from one state to the next, over and over, as if something is going to change." (RS)

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