Friday, September 28, 2012

CAT FRIDAY: Meet Tard, a perpetually grumpy cat

Posted By on Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 10:28 AM

A perpetually grumpy-looking cat named Tardar Sauce has been blowing up the Interwebs this week. It all started on Monday when someone posted a picture of a cat on Reddit giving the saddest and most disapproving frown you may have ever seen from a cat.

Of course, initially people were calling the poster out on the photo, saying it had to be Photoshopped. It's not.

While she may as well just be pissed off at all the problems of the world (who isn't?), this cat can't help her strange expression because it turns out she was born that way, and looks angry even when being petted and cuddled. (Maybe this cute little oddball is LIL BUB's long-lost cousin?)

Anyway, Tard - yep, that's her name for short - has been blogged about on pretty much every cat site (Catster wrote this) that exists, and even has made it onto Fox and The Huffington Post. Not to mention her face has spawned a Grumpy Cat meme, and, as of today, a T-shirt featuring her frowny face. 

Apparently, Tard is still a kitten and not only was born with an extreme kitty underbite, causing her to have a perma-frown, she also has really short little legs and a short-ish tail. Both of these characteristics are the effects of inbreeding. Oh no! 

In one of the first stories published about Tard that's been circulated around the 'net, the cat's owner, Tabatha Bundesen, of Arizona, was quoted saying that her daughter:

"attached to her instantly. I usually give our kittens away, but she put a hefty price tag on this little one. Any one who responded to my ad for the cats were rudely informed by [the daughter] that Tardar was not a free kitty.”

While the Snowshoe Siamese may be just too cute to handle, I think one message of this story is clear - adopt from shelters, and spay and neuter your pets. PLEASE. Probably one of the last things the world needs are cats being inbred with lots of genetic defects and resulting health problems just to please demanding humans.

We're not blaming Tard's owner for her genetic accident, but this message is something that similar genetic oddball LIL BUB has stated many a time to her fans.

We salute you, Tard, for being so damn cute and we hope that you live a long and happy life with your mad little face! 

Let us know what you think about Tard the Grumpy Cat in the comments! 

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Chey Scott

Chey Scott is the Inlander's Editor, and has been on staff since 2012. Her past roles at the paper include arts and culture editor, food editor and listings editor. She also currently serves as editor of the Inlander's yearly, glossy magazine, the Annual Manual. Chey (pronounced “Shay”) is a lifelong resident...