Monday, November 5, 2012

MORNING BRIEF: striking musicians, golf carts, Monroe on lockdown

Posted By on Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 7:38 AM

Around here

Spokane musicians toot their own horns, strike. (KXLY)

Road rage to hit Spokane side streets, feral cats, as golf cart rental program in works. (KXLY)

Speed to kill no more on Monroe says Sheriff's Office. (SR)

Out there 

Policeman has dirty patrol car. Orders youth to clean it. Tasers youth. (KHQ)

Mickey mouse is wielding lightsabers nowadays, if you hadn't heard. (KHQ)

Close election continues, neither candidate doing much for most. (CNN)


Finally a chart that gets to the heart of how America seems to make its decisions. (Buzzfeed)

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