Tuesday, November 6, 2012

ELECTION UPDATE: County turnout by the numbers

Posted By on Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 3:32 PM

The sun is shining (well, sort of) and the votes are rolling in. While the rest of you are still out scurrying to drop off your vote to the nearest hub, here’s what the non-procrastinators have done so far. Get ready for some numbers.

As of today at 1:28 pm, a total of 190,779 ballots have been returned for Spokane County. Today alone 24,486 ballots have come in. (High five to the 17 voters who turned in their ballot on Sept. 24.) 

In the county, a total of 285,814 ballots were issued. Of those, 190,785 have been returned as of today. So, 66.75 percent of the ballots are in.

That means there are 95,029 still out there or in transit.

Here is what went down in the 2008 election. Of the 258,952 registered voters, the end of the election counted 222,126 ballots. The voter turnout was 85.78 percent. 

So if this were a contest to beat the turnout for last year (why not?), we still need 31,342 ballots to top the last election. OK Spokane, you’ve got 4.5 hours left before the polls close at 8 pm. Ready, go. 

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