Thursday, November 8, 2012

MORNING BRIEF: future of pot, Black Friday, symphony strike

Posted By on Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 8:50 AM

Around Here

Pot may be legal now, but it may not be, among other problems. (KXLY)

Walmart is leading a charge to move Black Friday's start even earlier on Thursday, probably hoping you'll just invite them to a turkey dinner too. (KHQ)

The symphony is digging in for a long-haul protest, cancelling 4 more concerts. (SR)

Somewhere Out There (beneath the pale moonlight...)

France is considering same-sex marriage. (CNN)

The shooter of Gabrielle Giffords is being sentenced today. (BBC)

Four more Tibetans set themselves on fire in protest of Chinese leadership and policy. We should pay attention.

Exter Exter, Little Girl Smokes Boy's League Tackle Football Players

I'd skip to the 2:30 mark

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