Friday, January 3, 2014

MORNING BRIEFING: Marine killed, Boeing vote and NSA quantum computer

Posted By on Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 9:14 AM


U.S. Marine Sgt. Jacob Hess, 22, of Spokane, killed in Afghanistan. The circumstances remain under investigation. (S-R) His mother serves as a regional advocate for veterans and military families. (Inlander)

Coeur d'Alene Resort faces five-day suspension of liquor license. (KXLY)

Geological study indicates Spokane area may face previously undiscovered earthquake risks. (KHQ)


Boeing machinists union to vote today on new contracts at critical moment for 777x manufacturing projects. (Seattle Times)

Stevenson, Wash., man pleads guilty to blowing up his dog with an improvised bomb, faces year in jail. (AP)

Denver Post compiles answers to 64 frequently asked questions on Colorado's new recreational marijuana. (Denver Post)


In latest Big Brother development, new report shows NSA trying to build "quantum computer" that could basically crack any encryption anywhere ever. (WaPost)

Severe snowstorm hits the Northeast, dropping two feet of snow in some areas. (CNN)

Kim Jong Un probably didn't feed his uncle to starving dogs. (WaPost)

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Jacob Jones

Staff writer Jacob Jones covers criminal justice, natural resources, military issues and organized labor for the Inlander.