Thursday, March 27, 2014

MORNING BRIEFING: Armed robbery suspect killed, Obama meets the pope, and ways to help the mudslide victims

Posted By on Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:27 AM


Spokane police shot and killed the man suspected of yesterday's armed robbery at Baskin-Robbins. (S-R)

An Airway Heights man left Rep. Kevin Parker three threatening voice mails over the weekend and Monday because he was apparently annoyed with the Spokane Republican's robocalls. (KXLY)

The Colville Confederated Tribe is planning to build a $40 million casino in Omak. (KXLY)


Obama met Pope Francis for the first time in Vatican City. (NYT)

The National Labor Relations Board in Chicago is allowing Northwestern University's football team to unionize. (CNN)

This story has Hollywood written all over it: After being caught in an FBI sting, a corrupt California state senator is accused of conspiring to traffic firearms with a gangster named "Shrimp Boy." (LAT) 

Here's how you can help the victims of the Oso, Wash., mudslide. (Inlander)

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Deanna Pan

Deanna Pan is a staff writer at the Inlander, where she covers social justice, state politics and health care. In her cover stories, she's written about mass shooting survivors, NGRI patients and honey bees...