Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Gun reform events in Spokane, plus Barbara Bush dies and other headlines

Posted By on Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 9:27 AM


NEWS: Two local mothers are taking action to prevent gun violence by raising funds for Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action. They are hosting an event on Thursday through their nonprofit Art 4 Reform.

NEWS: Also scheduled for Wednesday (today), the father of a Sandy Hook shooting victim will be at Gonzaga to discuss his efforts as a neuroscientist to understand violent behavior.

"When we were faced with this infinite heartbreak, we decided to take a scientific approach to see if we could fund studies understanding the risk factors and changes in the brain that leads to violence,” he says.


Bye-bye, Barbara...
First Lady and First Mother Barbara Bush dies at the age of 92. (The New York Times)

The Two Koreas
South Korean officials confirmed that they are in talks with North Korea to formally end the Korean War, which began more than 60 years ago. Nuclear disarmament will likely be a major factor in the negotiations. (The New York Times)

News also surfaced that CIA Director Mike Pompeo recently met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un during the Easter weekend. (Vox)

No School Left Unevaluated
New changes to Washington state education will now allow “parents to look up every test score at their children’s school and compare them to other schools in the district and the state” according to the Spokesman-Review. The change will help individual schools better understand what improvements they need to make, State Superintendent Chris Reykdal said. (Spokesman-Review)

Des Moines deportation
Federal authorities are (once again) trying to cancel DACA protections against a man arrested in Des Moines. Daniel Ramirez Medina, 25, was picked up last year and placed in deportation proceedings despite his participation in DACA. Though he has committed no crime, he was among the first people in the program arrested after Trump took office. (Associated Press)

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