on Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 10:02 AM
You know who the 2 of you are. You're the one she left, but you're the one she still loves. It's been 3 months without each other; I can't stand to see the 2 of you sad. You tried to call her; did you know she tried to call you back? Did you know your friends all told her to leave you alone? You 2 couldn't be more perfect for each other if you tried, and no one else will ever come close to filling that void. When the both of you realize this, you need to come back together; reconcile your differences as both of your friends', don't throw it away. It would of been 2 years this April right before his birthday and just after hers; 23years of living and a couple of mistakes shouldn't be enough to tear you 2 apart. I know if she had your number she would call, but I know you have hers. Call her, she wants nothing more than to hear from you.
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