Tuesday, April 6, 2010

To Lori

Posted on Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 10:01 AM

On April 13th 25 years ago today, April 13th, 1985, high atop Snoqualmie pass, we pulled over alongside I-90 and next to our hibachi in the snow and bottle of wine, I gave you a friendship ring. Exactly 1 year later, you got a wedding ring in bee-eww-tee-full Reno, Nevada. Still and now, here we are, who'da thunk it? All the ups and downs, births and deaths, highs and lows, ins and outs (loved those ol' inouts!) Thank you. I love you. Here's your anniversary card darlin'. Be home soon. "For the great relief of having you to talk to." Mark


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Captured by Love Selfie Museum @ Captured by Love Selfie Museum

Sat., Feb. 15 and Sun., Feb. 16
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