Friday, June 11, 2010

G L Bandits

Posted on Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 4:16 PM

My husband, daughter & I had a chance to go to the Shock game on May 22nd, & really enjoyed it, in exception to having to sit across from, & watch a group of insecure a-holes in section 101  yelling obscenities & drooling through their megaphones, at the heads of The Utah Blaze, who were just below them, all through the game. You guys really drew attention, which I am sure was your goal, since that is what attention seeking idiots do. To the bandit in the very front, boy you sure know how to imitate the smacking of a donkeys ass!! Hmm I wonder why you know how to do that so well. To the 3rd bandit up from him, you know, with that duck call? What are you, 4 feet tall? Maybe that is why you have to be so degrading towards the other team to make you feel taller! And to the bandit just up from him with the half loop earring who kept yelling, "Daddys boy"? Well, at least they probably know who their daddy is. Clean up your act bandits. There are many people who would like to enjoy the game with their child & husband, & not have to listen to jerk offs like you, who make Spokane look like we are a bunch of bullies who don't have any sportsmanship. Cheers to you, Utah Blaze, for being so mature, & disregarding what those "G"ynormous "L"oser Bandits had to scream at the tops of your heads. Congratulations to The Shock for winning the game.


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Sun., Jan. 12, 12-4 p.m.
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