Sunday, January 9, 2011

We Need To Talk

Posted on Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 12:51 PM

To the selfish, self-centered individual who for years spoke of love, long term plans, and family and then discarded all of it in some sort of mental break from reality. I can't fathom why you did what you felt needed to be done; and, the truth is, by your own written and verbal admissions, you don't even really know yourself and probably don't even care because you've already moved on to the next victim. (Side note: Did you ever decide whether to go rich or humble?) "What changed?", you say. "Where does love go?", you say. Let me help you with that. You changed, from the pretender into who and what you really are, that paranoid, insecure individual, incapable of trust, and for whom there is only room in your heart for yourself and your pain that you re-live every day because it replaces your need for chemicals. You've failed to grasp one of the most important lessons in life. You have to allow others to have failings just as you yourself possess rather than have temper tantrums, yell and throw things, and perform other petty immature acts. To go on for years and not speak to your partner about all the things that needed work was wrong. To spend all of your free time on your meetings and neglect your personal relationship (and then claim ('we've grown apart') was wrong. I was warned, but dis-regarded all the signs and uh-ohs. Shame on me. How many chances did the one you pretended to love get when you finally worked up the nerve to say, "We need to talk?"


Mark as Favorite

The Evolution of the Japanese Sword @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through May 4
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