Monday, February 7, 2011

RE: Jeers To Jeers

Posted on Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 8:48 AM

OK, look, I'm not much of a reader & to tell you the truth, I only pickup the Inlander every Thursday to read my Horoscope - that's it. So, on 1-29 I was sitting on the toilet & just happen to be reading the I Saw You section, read your Jeers to Jeers and honestly, I laughed. You are aware that you don't have to read the Inlander in its entirety right? That you have the choice to put it down at any time, right? If you are so disgusted by what people have to say, then don't read it. You are the one making the choice to read each comment, opinion, or story which is leading to your manifested disgust. Most people I'm sure just want entertainment that is out of the ordinary, things that you don't usually see on TV or read about elsewhere. Why do you care so much about what people get off on anyway? You should spend your time more wisely & save your energy for the positive 'cause your wasting it on the negative. Have the best day ever! P.S. Embrace the Cheers and the Jeers. You can't have one without the other.


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