Saturday, July 30, 2011

Re: Animal Cruelty

Posted on Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 8:23 AM

I agree that animal cruelty is heartless and wrong, but you know what,
people are ultimately stupid pathetic lazy and mean, no matter what you say
people are still going to leave their dogs in the car during summer days.
You wanna break said animal out of the car go right ahead and break the law
to do it, that'd be considered breaking and entering as well as theft. I
declawed my cats, I was tired of my furniture and carpets getting torn up,
guess what, I was told that was cruel, my cats are indoor cats, they are
fat happy and lazy, again I'm told that's cruel. I am a proud member of
PETA (People for the Eating of Tasty Animals)


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