Saturday, March 31, 2012

Gratitude For Kindness

Posted on Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 8:23 AM

I have had a few lovely interactions with people in downtown Spokane
recently; moments in which I have received the benefit of a simple kind
gesture. Thank you to the woman who works at the library that helped us
race at the last minute to print out our very important page before you
closed! I don't know why you were so patient and helpful to such rushing,
disorganized fools, but thank you. Also, I would like to tip my proverbial
hat to the smiling man who told me he had 50 minutes left on his parking
meter up ahead and I could take his spot and use it when he left. I was
feeling so run down right then, and you melted my heart with your random
act of niceness to a stranger like me. Thank you. Cheers to the everyday


Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Festival @ Spokane Community College

Sun., May 5, 2-5:30 p.m.
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