Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pet Owner

Posted on Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 8:23 AM

28th and High Dr. To my dog-owning neighbor. You think it's perfectly OK to
let your dog out when he most likely won't be seen, so he can do his
business. Well, he has spent the winter using my yard to do it! I don't own
a dog because cleaning up after dogs is not my thing. After having spent an
hour picking up pounds of *%#!, he is now using my garden beds for the same
purpose. You know who you are, and I know who you are. You also know there
is a leash law and you can be fined for this behavior. Now that it's
getting lighter in the morning, it won't be long before your dog ends up in
my garage until he gets picked up and you get fined. Do the right thing and
be a considerate neighbor and responsible pet owner.


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