Saturday, June 23, 2012

Good Morning Starshine

Posted on Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 8:23 AM

the earth says, 'Hello!'" You truly are my "starshine." You brighten my day
every time I get a text message from you saying, "Good morning." My heart
jumps a little every time I see your name on my phone, hear your voice, see
your face, etc. And me? I'm just a silly little moon. All I can do is
reflect your light from the goofy grin I always get when I think about or
look at you. I am the moon and you are the starshine that makes me glow.
Everybody can see it when I'm thinking of you. They know by the way I smile
how much you mean to me. Without your beautiful light I wouldn't even stand
out in a starry sky. I'd just blend in with the rest of them. These last
few months have been incredible. We always are finding more to learn and
laugh about. I am always finding myself amazed at how you make me feel.
When I hold your hand it's like the first time, every time. My heart is
happy. You make me smile. I like you. Your Buggy


Mark as Favorite

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