on Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 8:23 AM
I want to thank all the citizens of Spokane who have in their goodwill and
kindness gave handouts to a former panhandler and alcoholic who wandered
the streets with the likeminded to acquire my next drink no matter what the
excuse. I have since changed my life over to the Lord and now that I rose
above that desperation I realize that though we walk with the Lord or not,
we instinctively have compassion for others and it is a testimony of hope
in this life. I wondered what I would do since when I was approached by a
person asking for a hand out, and I automatically reached into my pocket,
feeling less convicted about it than ever. We may not all understand what
it is to be in those shoes, but they are people walking this path as us,
just lost and I can attest there is a way out and will never lose
gratefulness for it.
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