Friday, February 22, 2013

RE: Thanks For Hope, Change

Posted on Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 12:33 PM

Sokesman Review Op/Ed 02/18/13. Dear Mr. Stanley Carpenter, I would have
responded directly to the Spokesman, but really all I have to say is "You
are so welcome!", and I agree with all you stated. Although there is still
so much wrong being done within the political process I too believe that
the current political climate is due to many, many level headed humans who
believe that there is hope, for change. Level headed thinking is the only
way to get things done, but unfortunatly most of the conservatives who are
fanatical and unreasonable think that they are being level headed and that
it is us who are blinded and wrong. Anyway, there is just too much to say
and all I really wanted to do is to thank you too! From a very like minded
and hopeful human, L.Parker


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