Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Friend Brandon

Posted on Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 8:24 AM

You and I have been friends for over 12 years. On many occasions when we
hung out it was during times of struggle in one of the others life. We
would discuss our issues, our loved ones, personal pitfalls, or our faith.
We listened and shared trying to encourage or impart wisdom. It's funny how
you think you're just going to get coffee and through divine intervention
of some kind you end up remembering those moments for years to come. This
April, you, Melissa and the kids are going to be moving to Juno Alaska. Of
course it was exciting news yet at the same time a huge change for your
family and I guess for me, it would mean another stretch of time without
really getting to spend time with my good friend. Brandon, you are a good
man, husband, father and friend. May you be blessed in Juno Alaska and
remember you have many people here in Spokane who love and care for you
guys. Daniel.


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