Saturday, June 22, 2013


Posted on Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 8:24 AM

To build a lasting Love, start by giving freely, expecting nothing in
return. Say easily both I'm sorry and you're forgiven. Find new interests
to share. Give small gifts frequently and when not expected, compliment
each other. Never bury anger or resentment, it will only produce bitterness
and a hardened heart. Always listen to and respect each others opinions,
especially when they differ. Work equally as hard on your relationship as
you do in any career or outside interest. Never assume your loved one knows
how you feel about them 'cause unexpressed Love has no power at all, but
Love spoken and shared brings joy. Treasure peace between you more than
being right or having the last word. Know that there is no greater reward
for True Love than to grow old enjoying the life you've created together.


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Sat., Feb. 8
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