Saturday, June 29, 2013

Thank You!

Posted on Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 8:24 AM

6/17 to the two girls who picked me up downtown. This city always surprises
me. It was about 7pm and I was extremely drunk and falling down, muddy and
bloody in no shape to be awake or walking, celebrating finishing a year of
school. Thank you so very much for giving me a ride all the way to my house
and for picking me up looking like a homeless man unable to even speak real
words. Sorry for being such a sh**show it will not happen again. If you are
reading this you really did me a solid and I will not forget it! P.S. my
wife was not very happy seeing two girls drop me off but she was extremely
greatful that her husband didn't go to jail. Thank you for taking time out
to help someone who made a very poor choice, it was a very kind thing to do.


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Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through Jan. 26
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