& & by Erin Spiller of Spokane & & & &

I'm stuck on a desert island and I only have five CDs? Wow, this is going to be tough! Most importantly I need CDs that would keep my spirits high and that I could listen to over and over again. Also, I would want music that would remind me of great people and good times that I have left behind.

First I'll choose Calobo's Live at the Crystal Ballroom. This CD allows me to reminisce about the great concerts this band has put on while I have been a student at Gonzaga University and songs like & quot;Pourin' Rain & quot; and & quot;Mozambique & quot; always put me in a cheery mood. Allman Brother's Decade of Greatest Hits is on the list because & quot;Blue Sky & quot; is always a great sing-along and puts a smile on my face. Phish's Hoist is on the island with me because all songs on the disk are fun and quirky. Jamiroquai's Traveling Without Moving is a must-have because this was the only music played in my 12th grade art class where I had the best teacher and greatest time; plus & quot;Cosmic Girl & quot; is very upbeat. Finally, I couldn't be on the island without Guster's Lost and Gone Forever. & quot;Center of Attention & quot; and & quot;Barrel of a Gun & quot; are the kind of songs I could sing again and again as I waited for the boat to pick me up from the island.

Giant Book Sale @ Giant Nerd Books

Fri., Sept. 20, 11 a.m.-7 p.m., Sat., Sept. 21, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. and Sun., Sept. 22, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
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