Readers respond to an story about Gonzaga basketball's recent No. 1 ranking, and the team's perpetual underdog status (11/26/18):
Rick Hall: Gonzaga's program is not on Duke's level of success after this game, don't even go there. You don't know basketball if you think that!
Michael Fox: Sorry folks but Gonzaga is nowhere near an equally high-level program like Duke. Are you kidding me? I'm glad they beat Duke and are number one, but it's delusional to think the basketball programs are even in the same universe.
Tony Johnson: Gonzaga is always over ranked. ... I love the Zags but want them to
The pro statements for the Avista-Hydro One merger are at best flimsy ("Power Grab," 11/15/18).
There would be no advantage of "bulk buying power." The newest meter reading equipment is state of the art, with no improvement on the horizon. The Ontario government has already proven they can have a huge impact on Hydro One. There is no guarantee politics won't have a negative impact on Avista as well.
With Hydro One getting its power from nuclear sources, that is a very expensive way to go. Will Avista customers have to cover those future costs? We are well on the way to generating a lot of our power from "clean" sources. The only people making out on this deal are Avista executives.
Avista should be a customer-owned utility; let the customers buy it. That would save several million dollars a year in salaries and bonuses for the executives.
I see no upside for Avista ratepayers. Only several possible downsides. Lastly, why should we export money to Canada?
Herb Postlewait
Spokane, Wash.
Readers respond to a New York Times article on about climate change's impact on the U.S. economy (11/24/19):
Calvin Ulbricht: Climate change is definitely a naturally happening occurrence, as history has proven. But for anyone to think that we are not making it worse is just denial. We are a parasitic species as far as the Earth is concerned. We take what we want and we give nothing back, not even our dead anymore.
Marie Kukula-Tyner: If you think humans have nothing to do with climate change or that we are not having a devastating impact on our planet, can I come to your house with 7 billion people and throw trash and poison your food and water to see if it has any impact on your home? Deliberate ignorance is going to destroy us and our planet. ♦