Readers respond to bad jokes, good taste and another mass shooting

Letters to the edtior

From Readers
Local Republicans used this photo of the Spokane city council candidate and former president to make jokes at a March 2017 Trump rally.

Readers react to our blog post "Reactions to Kate Burke/Bill Clinton photos show how we treat sexual harassment" (11/2/17):

Vicki Forslund Bordieri: How childish of these "adults."

Garrett Stenehjem: That's pretty dirty and weird of them. They literally took time to find this picture and project it in a room full of their constituents so they could make light of sexual harrassment, and mock an opponent. These people have no shred of dignity.

Toni Filliger: The Clinton Legacy will always be tainted by issues with women. He is who he is. I would not publicize him at all if I were promoting issues with or for women. Period.

Readers react to our New York Times story "Texas church shooting leaves at least 25 dead, official says" (11/5/17):

Cody Deasy: Good ol' America. Home of the hot dog, the NY Yankees, football, and monthly mass shootings.

Val Stefoff: Daily these days.

Terry Nichols: The people were in a church. If thoughts and prayers didn't work there, they won't work anywhere.

Goff Daily: Oh good, just a mass shooting and not a domestic terrorist shooting.

Readers react to our Annual Manual story about a local tastemaker ("Insider Insight: Celeste Shaw" (11/7/17):

Tori Chamberlain-Bailey: Two Women Vintage Goods put on a couple of great shows at the Moran Prairie Grange. The next one is the weekend directly after Thanksgiving and is a vintage-inspired Christmas.

David Shuey: She is a super wonderful lady and has an amazing style that she shares with all by unique displays at her various "Lady's Lairs" (A term I'm coining that is like "Man-Cave.") ♦

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