Readers react to Laurent, Nethercutt columns and more

Letters to the editor

From Readers
Garth has the power to bring people together, Inga Laurent wrote last week.


I didn't have an email contact to thank Inga Laurent for her interesting article ("For A Moment, All Was Right," 2/8/18), but wanted to pass on my congratulations for an interesting read.

Her comment, "We need to do a better job of trying to understand one another; if we fail to be open to finding ways of fitting together, we will surely miss an essential part of this American story," is such a true statement in times that feel incredibly divisive. I often feel that 80 percent of us would get along fine if the 10 percent on the far fringe of either side of the political spectrum would keep their mouths shut.

Thank you for the Inlander and the enjoyment I get from reading it.

Gordon Hester

Spokane, Wash.


George Nethercutt has never let the truth stand in the way of a good rationale ("Not Trump Not Enough," 2/8/18). The 34 or so (to date) Republicans resigning Congress are not doing so because they "are disgusted with the national political scene." They are doing so because there is no way in hell they will be re-elected. Time to take the pension and bail. ... The Blue Wave is coming and "Term Limits" George knows it. His warnings that the Democrats should reward the "dignity" of Trump is both outright laughable and vile.

Bob Thompson

Spokane, Wash.

Readers respond to "Life in Limbo" [2/8/18], our Green Zone story about how uncertainty about cannabis laws is keeping some doctors from prescribing medical marijuana:

Kelly Zimmerman: No kickbacks writing those prescriptions.

Brenda J. Watkins: I haven't seen it. Every time I go in for a check up, they want to push meds on me. It really sucks.

Alex Shaffer: Proven science, malpractice insurance, pseudoscience, sketchy dosage amounts, and the fact that it's illegal on a federal level might be influencing that. ♦

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