Meet on Monroe: Earth Day weekend and other ways to get involved this week

Meet on Monroe, Earth Day weekend and other ways to get involved this week
Vessel Coffee Roasters on North Monroe Street.

Participating businesses on the currently under-construction section of North Monroe will distribute a limited number of #MeetonMonroe tote bags so shoppers can reduce, reuse and recycle with a sturdy tote bag while shopping, dining and drinking. Several stores also host activities, promotions and more. April 21-22.

Palisades Park Annual Clean-up

A community clean-up of the natural area in Indian Canyon. Includes lunch provided by the neighborhood. Sat, April 21, from 9 am-noon. Palisades Park, Greenwood Blvd. and Rimrock Drive.

Newport Earth Day Film Festival

Responsible Growth*NE Washington hosts a screening of two locally filmed documentaries. Last Stand: The Vanishing Caribou Rainforest, is a cinematic journey into the disappearing Selkirk Mountains Inland Northwest rainforest and the endangered mountain caribou. United by Water traces the journey of several Upper Columbia River Tribes in cedar dugout canoes as they travel ancient routes through the headwaters of the Columbia River to reunite. $5.50-$8.50. Sun, April 22, from 5:30-9 pm. Roxy Theater, 120 S. Washington Ave., Newport.

President's Leadership Forum: Author Katherine Boo

Whitworth University welcomes the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and journalist Katherine Boo. Boo is the author of The New York Times bestselling book Behind the Beautiful Forevers and is dedicated to telling the stories of the poor and disadvantaged through the written word and imagery. $35. Tue, April 24, at 7:30 am. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. [email protected] (777-3449) ♦

Tell us about your event or other opportunities to get involved. Submit events at or email [email protected].

Mild Riders Tuesday Night Rides @ Lunarium

Tuesdays, 6 p.m. Continues through Sept. 26
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