On the Street

What is something you do to be environmentally conscious?


Recycle and compost.

What is something you wish you were better at?

It's going to sound contradictory, but I wish I was better at sorting my recycling properly.


I recycle a lot.

What is a good first step to being more green?

Be careful what you're buying so you're not producing as much waste.


I recycle like a mofo. I have way more recycling than garbage every week.

What is a good first step to being more green?

Trying to be cognizant when you buy things; not buying stuff that's overly packaged.


As educators, we have a green team at school and have kids help run it with an adviser. And we try to make our school greener during lunchtime.

What is something you can do to be more green?

Taking advantage of what our cities already have in place.


I try not to drive. I walk as much as possible, or take public transportation.

What is something environmental you wish you were better at?

Using less plastic.

Expo '74: 50th Anniversary Opening Celebration @ Pavilion at Riverfront

Sat., May 4, 3-9 p.m.
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