Enjoy an evening of music featuring Abbey Crawford and friends, directed by Troy Nickerson. All proceeds benefit the Campus Kitchen at Gonzaga, which provides meals and outreach to low-income seniors, afterschool programs, and homeless shelters in the Spokane community. $20/$25. Thu, July 20 from 5-7:30 pm. The McGinnity Room, 116 W. Pacific. (313-6939)
Girls Who Code
Learn to create a story using core computer coding concepts. This event values diversity, welcoming girls and girl-identified kids of any background to participate. Grades 4-7. Free; register online. Sat, July 15 from 10 am-noon. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. spark-central.org
West Valley Outdoor Learning Center Open House
Join the WVOLC for a day in the sun conducting science experiments while learning about properties and matter. $5 suggested donation. Wed, July 19 from 10 am-2 pm. WVOLC, 8706 E. Upriver Dr., Spokane Valley. (340-1028)
Spokane Area NOW General Meeting
The July meeting includes discussions on FemFest progress, actions on Washington's I-1552, Spokane Community Against Racism and Planned Parenthood, as well as initiatives with STEAM and Gender and Race Pay Equity for the city of Spokane. Free. Wed, July 19 from 6-7:30 pm. Downtown Library, 906 W. Main. [email protected] ♦
Tell us about your event or other opportunities to get involved. Submit events at Inlander.com/getlisted or email [email protected].