by Inlander Staff & r & Four Play & r & Friday brings the kind of night that local turntable junkies haven't seen in a long while. At the B-Side, back to back to back to back, you'll hear cuts from DJs Brainchild, Breezy Brown, Nealie Neal and Supervillain.
Quick Turnaround & r & It wasn't so long ago that you'd have to wait like 40 years, marry five times and have hip replacement surgery before you could start on the nostalgia/reunion tour concert circuit, but times have changed. Those crazy ska-rockers -- who grew up in a time of unparalleled skanking and whose generation basically invented hypertasking -- have sped the clock up so fast that, a mere decade or so after peaking, the likes of Reel Big Fish, Goldfinger and Zebrahead can team up on a big ska nostalgia tour. Kudos. They play the Big Easy Sunday.
Raging Tool & r & Fred Durst, still working on an unbroken 35-year streak of being a complete douche bag, now laments the success of his band, Limp Bizkit, because of the negative effect it's had on his film directing career. Durst reportedly said he wants to one day see his name in the Hollywood pantheon alongside the likes of P.T. Anderson, David Fincher, Wes Anderson and ... uh ... Martin Scorsese. The thing that has, until now, hindered him was the fact that "[movie people] don't take music people seriously," Durst told That, or they don't take people who've made exactly one self-produced, self-acted, crappy, rap-rock-related short film seriously.
For Your Consideration & r & Along with our Top 10 albums lists last week, we music mules took the time to enumerate our 59 favorite songs of 2005 and of the albums we listened to most in 2005 that didn't actually come out in 2005. Then, we promptly forgot to tell anyone about it. Check them out, if you feel let of God.