VALUE VILLAGE SPRAGUE & PINES: Saturday, Dec. 28, around 5:30 pm. UNFORTUNATELY I was only afforded a painfully brief glance, from the far right side of the first isle on the right side of the store. You were browsing the "collectables" section, and i being incredibly shy chose the other side of the isle in fear of coming off as a weirdo. I was wearing a cap, glasses and a leather jacket. And you were clad in obsidion a classy goth with possibly a couple facial piercings... and so brutally gorgeous, it almost hurt my soul to look at you. you were with a friend also gorgeous with long fusia locks. I could see intelligence in your gaze and your energy was playful... if you see this you will know it is you it's written for and i can only hope for a response...even if you're not single id be down to be your friend and i perfer that first anyways. hit me back i promise im worth it... you wont be dissapointed, an interesting distraction at the very least...


PAID FOR GROCERIES: while trying to pay for my stuff with my ucard it was rejected you stepped up with no hesitation and paid for my stuff $114.00 you are an angel thankyou so much and thankyou jesus please bless this women for all of her life

PEOPLE VS. MEDIA: You know what, media people, we're not as polarized as you say we are. Every day, I come across fun, kind, caring people. We share a smile, a laugh and a good quip. I don't know how they voted and I don't care. Perhaps media is the problem, always telling us about our divisions. Maybe you should shut up?

KIDDO EXTRAVAGANZO: Thanks to all who make space for the kids of our community. Early on New Year's Eve, Taco Vado hosted a Kiddo Extravaganzo where young people could perform. Kids sang, danced, told jokes, and found some time when they could be themselves in a way that was joyful and fun. There are so many in our community like this, educators, community organizations, and businesses, who make room where kids can be included while being themselves. They're not only giving kids and families a thing to do, they're nurturing hope and potential in our youngest generation. I so loved seeing, as the New Year was about to begin, kids having joy in being kids at Taco Vado, and the food was fantastic, too.

RE: NEWSPAPERS: Bless your heart for your jeers about font size! I have just been thinking about this issue. Even my bifocals don't help. I would love a 14 font to allow me to read with both eyes open. C'mon newspapers, increase the font to 14! Please!!!


GERIATRIC MEAN GIRLS: To the two elderly "ladies" that bullied a millennial out of the pool at the fitness center in the valley, kudos. No, really. I can't imagine how pathetic your lives must be that you need to kick someone who was already swimming out of the pool, just so you could gossip about people and ogle the younger guy with the beer belly that comes in at 6 am. It's a shame that the multiple complaints about you two haven't seen you booted out of there, even though I can think of a dozen people who have left because of your rude behavior. Makes me wonder how many children you bullied as teachers. Find a new place to hold court or at least a new time. A lot of us work for a living and are on a schedule. Sincerely, the people who actually go to the pool to swim

RE: LICENSE TABS: Your welcome, Happy new year.

SLAVERY LITE: Shame on Trump, Elon and Vivek for their support of H-1B Visas. Rather than fix the broken immigration system to cut waiting time and prioritize the skilled, they cheerlead a system that puts its users in a form of servitude. Can't quit, don't dare complain or you will be sent back. Tied to one employer and paid less than native employees. Who benefits? Immigration lawyers, personnel handling companies, and the employer, of course. This is both immoral and un-American.

FIRESALE! There is a source, a pipeline, and a willing and eager market (consumers). The Chinese and other manufacturers of (illegal but easily obtained) fireworks hope we will continue enjoying and blowing ourselves up while perpetuating their profits. How many products are you aware of that are now unavailable or are no longer made due to a lack of sales (demand)? Ring any bells, or are your ears still ringing? Best stock up now!! (No real hurry, a thriving market won't go away.)

RE: NEWSPAPERS: Yowza, are you kidding with your suggestion for larger fonts? There is an invention called reading glasses. My guess is you are one of those people who send emails/texts in all capital letters. As a comparison Portland is down to one newspaper a week, the rest are e-versions. Kudos to both the Inlander and SR for still having old style printed pages.

RE: NEWSPAPERS: If you want a larger font, you can read all the Inlander articles on their website. The Spokesman probably offers the same. Or, you can give this FREE newspaper a monthly donation. I'm sure a large enough amount will let them deliver a large-font page to your door, or even let them publish a larger-font size for everyone to enjoy. Paper publications aren't only read by people with aging eyes, but with a larger community of readers being online now, they do still have to watch their production costs as carefully as ever.

RE: ILLEGAL LICENSE TABS: With respect to the comments about others paying for the license tabs of those who willfully drive on the streets without licensing their cars, I have another idea. What about penalizing the behavior? All over city streets are tabs that are expired; some with tabs from many years ago. When people are that brazen, police should be empowered to impound the vehicle and have it auctioned off to the highest bidder. Ticket the vehicle first. If it's not paid within an allotted time, then sell the vehicle. If you can't afford the small price of a tab (compared to other states that enforce the law), DON'T DRIVE!!!! Losers.

TV PROPAGANDA: Shame on the local station for its biased story on transgender athletes. Consider the source: a 17-year-old who feels they are being discriminated against, without any consideration of the feelings for the biological females who are at a physical disadvantage. Stop undermining women's rights to appease a small minority with gender dysphoria. This is wrong, and it damages your credibility as a journalistic institution.

RE: PRESERVATION HALTS PROGRESS: Claiming historic preservation causes urban sprawl is to claim that the existence of older buildings somehow displaces housing. Many historic structures are not luxury, acting as affordable apartments and adding density – actively reducing sprawl. Somehow, cities with far stricter preservation regulations survive and thrive. Does Spokane want to be a place with flavor and roots, or a place paved over with the same big-box, lowest-bidder developments plaguing other cities? Preservation includes adaptive re-use, creates jobs, unites community, and attracts visitors. If today's rules had been in place in the past, we would have more flavor and more benefits. Each historic building should be (and is) reviewed individually, in context, for its financial viability, opportunity cost, effect on housing, community impact, and the potential loss of irreplaceable history. The balance of all these things, together, makes successful cities. Historic preservation being some insurmountable hurdle for development, and thus the cause of urban sprawl, is just not true. ♦

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