NATION: China's massive
economy is idling as the country struggles to contain the coronavirus.
NEWS: WSU researchers received a grant to study
rural incarceration in Eastern Washington.
New England speaks
Voters in New Hampshire are heading to the polls to weigh in on who they think should be the Democratic presidential candidate. Polls put Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg at the top of the field in the state. (
New York Times)
Firing back
The Trump administration is suing California, New Jersey and King County in Washington over their various sanctuary policies (i.e. not cooperating with federal immigration authorities to deport undocumented immigrants). King County, for instance, has barred the federal government from using its airfield for deportation purposes. (
Seattle Times)
The racial profiling defense
Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg gave an uncompromising defense of stop-and-frisk policing that New York City cops engaged in while he was mayor, according to a recording circulating social media. The tactic was disproportionately used against black and Latino people in the city for years, and Bloomberg only recently apologized for the policy in November, just before he entered the race. (
New York Times)
Smooth rollout
Idaho's voter-approved Medicaid expansion is going "remarkably smoothly," state lawmakers learned yesterday at a committee meeting. Roughly 62,000 Idahoans have enrolled so far. (
Idaho Press)