Jun 3-9, 2010

Vol. 17, No. 34




  • Cartography

    Search our map of all the Inland Northwest's food carts.

    By Luke Baumgarten

  • A Taste of Home

    The new South Hill branch of Mariupol Deli joins Spokane’s Russian markets in offering familiar flavors and news of home to the local Slavic population.

    By Kirsten Harrington

  • Moveable Feasts

    Pop-up restaurants and clandestine dinner clubs are about to change the way the Inland Northwest thinks about food.

    By Luke Baumgarten

  • Panhandle Pulls

    Coffee roasting in Sandpoint. Plus, Empyrean Coffee is making pizza.

    By Kirsten Harrington



The Great Pumpkin Fest @ Brick West Brewing Co.

Fridays-Sundays, 12-10 p.m. Continues through Oct. 13
  • or