Vol. 18, No. 14
Size Matters
How Americans are downsizing their homes and what that means for the future of the Inland Northwest.
By Nicholas Deshais
The Path to Better Roads
Perhaps potholes aren’t just another inevitability we have to weather.
By Daniel Walters
Bombs and Nazis
The FBI investigates a bomb left along the MLK parade route. Plus, a former Aryan Nations leader apologizes.
By Kevin Taylor
Tone Deaf
Nice try, but partisan rhetoric isn't going away.
By Ted S. McGregor Jr.
Why I Quit
Confessions of a former community college math teacher.
By Clint Thatcher
Vigilante Time
It's not cops we should worry about. It's your gun-toting neighbor.
By Robert Herold
'Burial for a King,' Rebecca Burns
So it won’t be forgotten: the nationwide earthquake caused by MLK’s assassination.
By Terri Schlichenmeyer
Opus Preview
Director Jadd Davis talks about Interplayers' production of the Michael Hollinger play.
By Michael Bowen
An American Tragedy
In Lake City’s Of Mice and Men, actors sparkle but dreams die.
Growing Pains
They’re doing variety shows at Zola now. Is Spokane ready? (Are the performers?)
By Tiffany Harms
Pajama Game
A French farce lets the Civic’s actors experiment with mutual husband-wife adultery.
Art on Fire
While some potters control their art in firing, these ones leave it to fate.
By Carrie Scozzaro
Now in Season
After several stumbles, the South Perry winter market is up and running.
By Anna Vodicka
Green and White and Wood All Over
New sushi on the north side. Plus, a couple uses their casino earnings to start a bakery.
By Luke Baumgarten and Jordy Byrd
American Idol
Booting Simon Cowell was the best idea this show has had in a while.
By Lisa Fairbanks-Rossi
4,000 Miles Thataway
It's The Great Escape followed by a very, very long stroll.
By Ed Symkus
Playing Vanquish is like being Iron Man, but with fiscal constraints.
By Marty Demarest
Social networking is fun! Until it turns creepy.
By Chelsea Finger
Stupidest vs. Dumberer
When men act like fraidy-cat boys, their story comes off as brain-sucking stupid.
By Maryann Johanson
Surviving the Game
The only remaining music store in NorthTown Mall doesn’t sell Taylor Swift.
By Luke Baumgarten
Grand Inquisitors
Seattle’s Ivan and Alyosha are down with Dostoyevsky.
By E.J. Iannelli
'Showroom of Compassion,' Cake
We're scrambling to find our old copy of Fashion Nugget.
By Mark White
'Earth Control,' Owen Hart
What meth would sound like it if it was at all productive.
By Leah Sottile
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Manufactured home owners are reimagining stable housing as local communities face untenable rent increases
By Eliza Billingham
Spokane leaders reaffirm their commitment to the Keep Washington Working Act amid uncertainty for immigrants and refugees
By Victor Corral Martinez
Suspension data for Central Valley School District reveals disparities in student discipline
By Colton Rasanen
Spokane band Snacks at Midnight shares its tour diary after rocking the Japanese punk scene
By Rory Babin
Sneak Peek Preview
Entree Food Newsletter
Weekend Countdown