Muddy Waters
The Methow Valley and Okanogan County just can't catch a break this summer
By Scott A. Leadingham
'Growing Pains'
After five years, the authority of Spokane's police ombudsman has increased — but so has friction with SPD
By Jacob Jones
Welcome Aboard
Spokane's newest councilwoman; plus, SPD's first body cameras
By Heidi Groover, Daniel Walters and Jacob Jones
Ambulance Shopping
New questions arise about the city's process for finding private ambulance service
By Heidi Groover
Clouds Over Paradise
Idaho's experiment with ultra-conservative government is sending the Gem State off the rails
By Mary Lou Reed
Making Steve Smile
Publisher's Note
By Ted S. McGregor Jr.
Serve, Protect and Defeat?
Militarized police in Ferguson illuminate the need for accountability at home
By Taylor Weech
Smart Pot
Analyzing cannabis' compounds in the palm of your hand
By Kate Gibbons
Elevated Art Form
Upcycled art lifts leftovers into the limelight
By Carrie Scozzaro
Talk to your town
By Mike Bookey
For Your Consideration
Magicians and the graveyard shift
By Daniel Walters
Native Pride
The 100th Spokane Tribal Labor Day Powwow isn't just a celebration of culture. It's a shared experience
By E.J. Iannelli
From the Woodland
A landmark Hauser eatery returns to its roots with Embers by the Lake
Tasty History
Pig Out in the Park celebrates 35 years of chowing down
Brew and a View
End your summer on Schweitzer with 60-plus beers
Under the Mask
Frank is more insightful than funny, and that's OK
I Ain't Afraid o' No-Stalgia
The re-release of Ghostbusters takes a critic back to a formative movie summer
By Scott Renshaw
Tools of Rock
Three local entrepreneurs are hoping to give musicians an edge
By Laura Johnson
Decoding 'Krazy'
With his new album, gangsta rapper YG makes a hip-hop record that's surprisingly relatable
By Ben Salmon
It's About Time
We get it — we're all busy. But there are more ways to find time to volunteer than you may think
By Chey Scott
A Particular Skill Set
Loan your knowledge and talents to a good cause
Peirone Prize Winners
Randy Ramos
A recruiter for the Spokane Tribal College, he believes education is a way to improve woes on the reservation — and everywhere else
Kate Burke
At 25, she dreams of making a great city even greater
Jeni Riplinger-Hegsted
She's made it her mission to ensure that even the most vulnerable people in Coeur d'Alene have access to art
By Deanna Pan
Pitching In
How to give smart
Nonprofit Guide: 2014
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Manufactured home owners are reimagining stable housing as local communities face untenable rent increases
By Eliza Billingham
Spokane nonprofit worries state budget could prioritize police while ending an important fund combatting the War on Drugs
By Samantha Wohlfeil
Inlander Restaurant Week 2025: How It Works
Learn more about the culture that informs Maryhill Winery's involvement with the Spokane community
Sneak Peek Preview
Entree Food Newsletter
Weekend Countdown