Child refugees stabbed in Boise attack, thousands march to reunite families, and other morning headlines


The new music venue being opened by the owners of the Bartlett has a name, and lucky for you, it might open this fall.

MUSIC: The new seating area at Northern Quest didn't disapoint as a crowd showed up for some '90s nostalgia last week.

NEWS: How do you fight hate without giving groups attention that can bring their bigotry into the mainstream?


Boise knife attack injures children, adult refugees

After being asked to leave a low income apartment complex in Boise, Saturday, a man is accused of stabbing six children and three  adults, all of whom are refugees, at a 3-year-old's birthday party, the Idaho Statesman reports.

Leftist wins presidency in Mexico
Leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador won the Mexican presidency after running on a platform where he vowed to fight corruption in the government. (Associated Press)

Thousands march across country calling to unite families
"Families Belong Together" marches took place in cities around the nation this weekend, with protesters calling for the reunification of parents and children who were separated at the border as they entered the United States. (NBC)

Somewhere, in our galaxy, far, far, away
A Japanese spacecraft has traveled more than 177 million miles from Earth to meet up with an asteroid, and scientists are now studying the surface from a safe distance with the craft before deciding where to land on it and take samples from below the surface. (NPR)

The last straw
As of Sunday, Seattle food service businesses can no longer serve drinks with plastic straws in them as the market on compostable alternatives has caught up, marking the end of an exemption to a decade-old city rule that required the businesses switch to recyclable or compostable to-go items only. (Seattle Times)