A deeper look at the Avista sale, how Facebook navigates crises, and other headlines


NEWS: Staff writer Samantha Wohlfeil takes a deep dive into the proposed merger of Avista and a Canadian utilities company.

NEWS: Phil Tyler, who has a long history of physically abusing his wives (according to his ex-wives), has decided to run for City Council president.

NEWS: Washington State University's new medical school is exploring the use of virtual reality, which may be a big part of the future of medicine.


Losing a gem
Dodson's Jewelry, which is the longest-running retail business in Spokane, is closing. (Spokesman-Review)

Lost in the crowd
A Spokane man has gone missing after he went to see the 49ers take on the New York Giants in San Francisco. (KXLY)

Not making friends
In the last few years, Facebook has been hit with scandals regarding how it uses private data and is used to spread misinformation. Here's a behind-the-scenes look at how the giant corporation has handled it. (New York Times)

Deny, deny, deny
Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for Stormy Daniels who has mulled a 2020 presidential run, says he has "never struck a woman" after he was arrested for domestic violence in Los Angeles. (Associated Press