It's Election Day! 100 area youths get homes, potheads are less stressed (maybe) and morning headlines

It's Election Day! 100 area youths get homes, potheads are less stressed (maybe) and morning headlines
Are people who smoke marijuana regularly less stressed than those who don't? A new WSU study says "quite possibly."


In 100 days, the city of Spokane found homes for 102 youths, as part of the 100 Youth, 100 Day Youth Housing Challenge.

NEWS: After homeless people were evicted from their camp below Kendall Yards, and their stuff hauled off to the dump, the city installed a bunch of signs above the site.

The Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright and actor died of complications from ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. He was 73.

ELECTION DAY: Go vote! Here's a primer on the 10 candidates eyeing City Council seats. And here's your voter's guide.



It's amazing this didn't happen sooner, honestly. Now, hungry, lazy or otherwise homebound people can order food delivered to their doors from about 32 restaurants in Spokane. You'll pay a $4.99 fee for the service that launched in Seattle two years ago. (Spokesman-Review)

Juvenile injustice?
In 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that courts could no longer sentence juveniles to mandatory life in prison without the possibility of parole. The justices also said their decision applies to the more than 2,000 people handed a life term before they turned 18. But a new analysis from the Associated Press found that the Supreme Court's decision is applied differently state by state, even county by county.  (Associated Press)

Life-or-death test for dogs
Whether a dog lives or dies in a shelter can depend on a test for aggressive behavior. However, one veterinary researcher recently released a report that says those tests are no more reliable than a coin flip. (New York Times)

Chill, man
Perhaps unsurprisingly, a new study from Washington State University found that potheads were, like, way less stressed than people who don't smoke marijuana regularly. Participants in the study were not stoned on the day of testing. (Spokesman-Review)