Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Flag on the play The U.S. Flag Code doesn't take kindly to the national flag being flown alongside the Arbor Day flag, and neither have the veterans in Kellogg. That, along with moving the memorial that flew both flags, has several Kellogg veterans incensed. (KREM)
Cop out, for now The battle over the powers of the police ombudsman has been extended — stemming from a confidential memo from city attorneys that supposedly details the possible cost of giving the ombudsman more power. (SR)
And then there were two (semesters) University High School is becoming like the rest of the school districts. It's changing from the trimester system to the usual semester system. One big reason: staffing cuts. (KXLY)
The budget axe continues its swath of destruction Meanwhile, in the Coeur d'Alene School District all salaries have been cut by 3.2 percent. Teachers will also be required to take six unpaid furlough days. It's all part of the challenge to cut $4.8 million from the budget. (CdA Press)
The DOW downfall continues This time, its not just Greek debt that's to blame. Spanish debt has joined the slew of European economic problems. (NYT)
Tags: morning headlines , News