Tuesday, May 25, 2010
It's Primary Day in Idaho, and Vaughn Ward wants desperately to be the Republican to unseat Democratic Rep. Walt Minnick. The guy, however, has some troubles. Like charges of plagiarism and delinquency in paying his taxes.
The latest in Ward's bad news is being called "the most incompetent candidate in America" by Salon.com. Ouch.
Not really the press you want on the day the ballots come in. But check it out here!
UPDATE: The day keeps on giving. Ward made the front page of Talking Points Memo as well. It's headline: "Vaughn Ward: Worst Candidate Ever?" And the Guardian, in Great Britain, chimed in, calling Ward the "dumb and paste Republican candidate."
Here's a taste of Ward's incompetence — if you're gonna copy any speech, why would you pick the one that launched the career of Barack Obama?
Tags: Vaughn Ward , politics , idaho , News , Video