Tuesday, July 27, 2010

PHOTOGRAPHER'S EYE: Swell Season at the Knitting Factory

Posted on Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 9:27 AM

This photo comes to us from photographer Caleb Skytte, who was up front for the Swell Season show at the Knitting Factory last Thursday. (We wrote about the show on Friday morning, here.) Says Skytte:

This photo is important to me because I was able to see The Swell Season in South Korea, but had to get a seat way in the back of the auditorium. This time, I was able to get in the front row of the venue and get up close and personal with Glen [Hansard, pictured], Mar, and the rest of the band. It also means a lot because I was not allowed to bring a DSLR into the Knitting Factory, but I was able to purchase a point and shoot (from Craigslist) the day of the concert in order to take this photo and many others. The Swell Season is a truly moving band, and it's impossible to get a sense of this through just listening to their songs on your own. The energy and the emotion of the band's live performance is impossible to match, in my opinion.

You can see more of Skytte's shots from the concert here.

Calling all local photographers! We’re looking for interesting images to post on Bloglander and in the Photographer’s Eye feature in our print edition. Send your entry to joels[at]inlander[dot]com, along with when and where you took it, and your name and phone number. (The Inlander reserves the right to re-publish submitted photos on the web or in the newspaper.)

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