Thursday, July 29, 2010
The latest radio commercial in Michael Baumgartner's campaign to unseat Sen. Chris Marr pushes his roots in the Eastern Washington.
After saying Baumgartner grew up in the Inland Northwest and attended Gonzaga Prep, the commercial details his overseas career for the U.S. State Department.
"But where Michael Baumgartner has been," the commercial says, "isn't as important as where he's going."
But, as reported earlier in The Inlander, Baumgartner attended Gonzaga Prep for just two years and mainly grew up in Pullman. Some people have used these facts to undercut his campaign, suggesting he is an outsider fueled only by political ambition. Baumgartner says he's always considered Spokane home base, if not home.
Hear the commercial here.
Tags: Michael Baumgartner , politics , election 2010 , News , Image