Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Sgt Ron Trembath sent us this photo today — a picture of him reading our Jan. 14 Winter Adventure issue while stationed in Qatar. Here's more:
It was taken in February of this year. I am based out of Fairchild AFB, but I was recently deployed to the country of Qatar from January to July of this year. Getting a stack of new Inlanders was without a doubt the highlight of my time away. I've only been living in Spokane permanently since May of 2009, spent many summers in the area as a youth, but I have grown to consider the area my one true home. And The Inlander has been the only publication I rely on for anything happening in the area. Thank you so much for what you do. Take care.
Calling all local photographers! We’re looking for interesting images to post on Bloglander and in the Photographer’s Eye feature in our print edition. Send your entry to joels[at]inlander[dot]com, along with when and where you took it, and your name and phone number. (The Inlander reserves the right to re-publish submitted photos on the web or in the newspaper.)
Tags: photographer's eye , Arts , Image