Tuesday, September 21, 2010

PHOTOGRAPHER'S EYE: Last day of summer

Posted on Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 9:43 AM

Given that today is, sadly, the last day of summer in the northern hemisphere, we thought we'd share a couple of the more summery submissions we've gotten for our Photographer's Eye series.

This beaut came from reader Jeffrey Nadeau. "I took this photo on 7/18/2010 while visiting Glacier," he writes. " This is from a perspective that isn't very common in photos of the Many Glacier Hotel."

These two came from reader Pete Krueger. "I am enchanted with the Steamboat Rock area, south of Grand Coulee, and return to take pictures at least twice each year," he writes. "I was there just before the Labor day weekend and took the attached pictures."


Calling all local photographers! We’re looking for interesting images to post on Bloglander and in the Photographer’s Eye feature in our print edition. Send your entry to joels[at]inlander[dot]com, along with when and where you took it, and your name and phone number. (The Inlander reserves the right to re-publish submitted photos on the web or in the newspaper.)

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