Thursday, January 27, 2011

MORNING HEADLINES: Ozzie battles Spokesman and the Middle East rumbles

Posted on Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 10:09 AM

Did not. Did so — Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich was critical of a Spokesman-Review story that ran on the front page Wednesday, which quoted him as saying rat poison was a potential component in the explosive device placed downtown on Martin Luther King Day. He said his comments were mischaracterized. The paper's editors disagreed, but ran a front-page non-correction today. (SR)

Keep dreamin' — A medical school in Spokane did not make the governor's new construction list, dashing the hopes of people who want Spokane to be a real city. (SR)  

Deer Park: Home of weed and whiskey — KREM's keeping the marijuana-in-liquor-stores story alive with a segment on a Deer Park liquor store that totally wants to sell reefer. "It's a drug. Both of them [marijuana and liquor] are and they should not be on a shelf in a grocery store, it should be a controlled situation," Linda Thrasher, owner of Deer Park Liquor and Wine, told the station. (KREM)

Peace in the Middle East? — Or are the protests happening (or that happened recently) in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan and Lebanon the precursor to religious radicals hijacking a country? What should the U.S. do? Support democratic ideals or corrupt allies? The anticipation is killing me. (NYT, WSJ) 

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