Thursday, May 12, 2011
The fiscal sensation you’ve all been waiting for — Mayor Mary Verner released a plan for a 2012 budget. This time the budget attempts to solve a $6.7 million budget shortfall. That means a frozen street fund, money from red-light camera tickets, and extra operating expenses cut from the general fund. (KREM)
Primary loss — Traditionally, by the time that presidential candidates amble over to Washington, the primary has essentially been decided. That’s why one bill would save the state $10 million by canceling the primary election. (KXLY)
Shady endorsements? — The Kootenai County Reagan Republicans believe that the Coeur d’Alene Education Association improperly gave money to candidates for them to run for school board. (CDAP)
Jubilation’s aftermath — As with most revolutions, even “good ones,” Egypt hasn’t necessarily turned out the way protesters hoped. A massive crime wave has spread throughout the region, leaving the transition to democracy in doubt.
Tags: morning headlines , News