Friday, May 27, 2011
Allow me to let you in on an embarrassing secret: I think Cougar Town is actually a pretty awesome TV show. From Bill Lawrence, the showrunner behind Scrubs, it has a loose, let's-all-hang-out-with-each-other-and-get-drunk-on-wine-feel. Think about it as if the friends on Friends were in their 40s, and spent time playing a game where they try to throw a penny into a can instead of going on silly romance-swapping drama. It even has Courteney Cox.
One thing it is not about, fortunately, is an older woman trying to hook up with younger guys. (It is also, unfortunately, not about live cougars pursuing Elisha Cuthbert.)
But the name! That awful, horrible, cringe-worthy name. It's likely there are closet Cougar Town fans among you who don't want to admit their love for the show because the name is so horrifying.
Well, the showrunners behind Cougar Town have known that for some time. For most of their run, they decided to insert little jokey quips mocking the name during the opening credits. But that really doesn't help the show with the number of viewers that already refuse to watch it because of the title.
So last night, late and presumably distraught on Twitter, Bill Lawrence (@VDOOZER) asked how many people had friends that rejected his show based on the title. And the comments came flooding in.
Finally, he wrote, "Screw it. I'm changing it (if [producer] Kevin Biegel (@kbiegel) is cool w it. Someone ask him for me). Seriously, we just decided. Will use fans to help w new title."
For now, Biegel is asking fans to tweet their suggestions for a new title by using the hashtag #newtitleforcougartown.
Some of my suggestions include The Cul-De-Sac, The Agony and the Penny Can, Big Carl's World, and Scruburbia, none of which make sense if you haven't seen the show.
And yes, Lawrence says, they'll still make fun of the new title.
Tags: television , TV